Dalia Arazi

Entrepreneurship / Company / Success

Dalia Arazi

An Israeli entrepreneur active in the field of High-Tech and founder of the Internet initiative and social network Slfinter .

Scitex - I began working for Scitex Ltd in 1978 at the age of twenty-one. My first position was in the field of electronics drawing and graphics. Later I moved on to work in the company's patent department as an external consultant.

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Back to authenticity
back to the inner and outer truth


Live your story out loud!

With MagazineMe, an innovative and interactive magazine designed around authenticity and

connection, Get started by answering 10 questions about yourself. Share your story with the world and

build new relationships!

Ready to Unleash Your Creativity? Great!

Join today and meet new friends!

MeEncyclopedia strives to be a meaningful part of the revolution of getting back to self. Back to authenticity. Back to self-expression. Back to taking control of your story. Back to YOU. It’s a peaceful place amongst the noisy world of online social networking.

Here is the ideal place to foster unity

me enables you to connect with people who share similar or divergent views while

upholding honesty, authenticity, and openness.

Join to MeEncyclopedia.com and work together towards creating a unified world.


Social Network for Automated Self-Interview

When Technology and Authenticity Meets in Selfinter

Introducing Selfinter: Ignite Your Self-Interviewing Journey!

Selfinter, the explosive social network, has unleashed a revolutionary platform for self-interviewing that will blow your mind! With our pre-structured templates of pre-defined questions, you hold the detonator to choose the topic you want to explore. Watch as the platform automatically generates a barrage of thought-provoking questions for you to answer.

No longer will you be at the mercy of someone else's interpretation. With Selfinter, you become the master of your own words, ensuring an explosive display of genuine self-expression and authenticity. Get ready to witness the bombshell impact of your own thoughts and ideas!

Join Selfinter today and ignite your self-interviewing journey like never before. It's time to unleash the power within and make your voice heard with an explosion of creativity!

Express yourself freely and improve as you go. Choose from a variety of pre-structured templates like self-discovery, sports, wellness, life goals, animals, politics, finance, achievements, Art, travel, wellness, fitness, lifestyle, and more.

Magazine me

Self-publishing in MagazineMe

Introducing MagazineMe, where technology and authenticity meet to revolutionize the world of magazines!

Selfinter offers self-publishing for personal interviews and content in MagazineMe. Self-publishing allows individuals to control the narrative and convey their messages as they desire. It also empowers writers to influence and build a community around their content.

Along with the opportunity comes responsibility to publish the content wisely.

Responsibility is an important part of the power of self-publishing, and every individual should be aware of its implications and act responsibly when using it.

Good luck!

About my book

"The cherries collector"

About my book
"The cherries collector"

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